Aims & Objectives

Our Aims

    • To promote the art of woodcarving
    • To share knowledge and skills in woodcarving with others
    • To encourage those new to the art of woodcarving by showing them basic skills and making basic equipment available while they learn
    • To bring woodcarvers of all levels of ability and prospective woodcarvers together at convenient times and venues in a friendly atmosphere in order to share ideas, interests and challenges
    • To give opportunity at regular intervals for members to display and sell completed works
    • To establish links with other organisations with similar or related interests

Our Objectives

  • To meet together regularly with enjoyable and stimulating programmes
  • To purchase and provide ready access to equipment which might not normally be available in a home/workshop environment
  • To purchase books, literature and subscriptions to journals and to make them available for the general use of members
  • To maintain a stock of basic tools suitable for general use by members, especially to novice members
  • To invite speakers, including those with commercial interests, at regular intervals to speak on topics or demonstrate skills or equipment that would be of interest to members
  • To establish commercial links which enable members to purchase equipment and materials at discounted prices
  • To maintain and update regularly a website containing information of interest to members, prospective members and all persons interested in the art of woodcarving